Luke-10-t is for different groups. Let us explain
When introducing L-10-T to Leaders, Pastors or the people you will train, the following can be used:
Section 2: L-10-T Information Pamphlet.
Section 15: L-10-T How-To DVD INTRODUCTION (11 minutes)
Followed by:
Section 16: L-10-T How-To DVD HOW TO explanation (30 minutes)
Section 11: L-10-T Introductory Workshop PowerPoint (This can be 1+ hours or you can use selected slides)
Section 7: Implementation Process Document: This document explains the process and timetables to train people to do L-10-T and to train Trainers.
How long does the training take?
You need on average 12 hours to do this training in one language
Training different groups require different methods. Find out here how to train the youth, adults, children, trainers and master trainers
3.1 Introducing L-10-T
When introducing L-10-T to Leaders, Pastors or the people you will train, the following can be used:
Item 2: L-10-T Information Pamphlet.
Item 15: L-10-T How-To DVD INTRODUCTION (11 minutes)
Followed by:
Item 16: L-10-T How-To DVD HOW TO explanation (30 minutes)
Item 11: L-10-T Introductory Workshop PowerPoint (This can be 1+ hours or you can use selected slides)
Item 7: Implementation Process Document: This document explains the process and timetables to train people to do L-10-T and to train Trainers.
3.2 Training People to do L-10-T
When training people to do L-10-T you would use one or more of the following documents or DVDs:
3.2.1 Training Adults
Item 3: The L-10-T Training Manual (each participant should preferably have one). You need on average 12 hours to do this training in one language.
Training with the Lifestyle DVD
Item 17: Facilitator’s Manual to train with Lifestyle DVD (Facilitator only).
Item 18: Lifestyle DVD: The main movie (45 minutes)
Items 19 to 27: The 9 “Going Deeper” Discussion DVDs showing a clip from the movie and then several discussion questions.
Optional: Participants can be given a copy of Item 3 (L-10-T training Manual) or Item 5 (Shortened L-10-T Manual). They can be asked to read this as homework and or the facilitator can point out certain things in class.
3.2.2 Training Youth (14 – 25 years)
Training with the Lifestyle DVD
Item 17: Facilitator’s Manual to train with Lifestyle DVD (Facilitator only).
Item 18: Lifestyle DVD: The main movie (45 minutes)
Items 19 to 27: The 9 “Going Deeper” Discussion DVDs showing a clip from the movie and then several discussion questions.
Optional: Participants can be given a copy of Item 3 (L-10-T training Manual) or Item 5 (Shortened L-10-T Manual). They can be asked to read this as homework and or the facilitator can point out certain things in class.
3.2.3 Training Children (4-14 years old)
Those who will train children to do L-10-T (mothers, fathers and Sunday School teachers etc.) should have done a L-10-T training course and should be doing L-10-T themselves.
These trainers are usually excellent to teach the children at their different development levels to do L-10-T.
The following document will give some assistance to those who teach children to L-10-T: Item 8.
3.2.4 Training the Trainers who will train people to do L-10-T
The documents and DVDs needed for a full 5/6 part Train-the-Trainer course (see Item 7) are:
Item 2: L-10-T Information Pamphlet.
Item 6: Train-the-Trainer Manual
Training with the Lifestyle DVD
Item 17: Facilitator’s Manual to train with Lifestyle DVD (Facilitator only).
Item 18: Lifestyle DVD: The main movie (45 minutes)
Items 19 to 27: The 9 “Going Deeper” Discussion DVDs showing a clip from the movie and then several discussion questions.
and (optional if this is part of the course)
Item 8: Training Manual for those who will train children (4-14) to L-10-T.
Optional (recommended)
Item 15: L-10-T How-To DVD INTRODUCTION (11 minutes)
Followed by:
Item 16: L-10-T How-To DVD HOW TO explanation (30 minutes)
Item 11: L-10-T Introductory Workshop PowerPoint (This can be 1+ hours or you can use selected slides)
3.2.5 Training Master Trainers (Those who will train trainers)
The same as in 3.2.4 but with much emphasis on Section D in item 6