About Us

The L-10 T Story

The L-10-T story is a modern day story of God’s answer to prayer; His use of men (and women) in His service; and the power of examples and testimonies.

In March and April 2003 intercessors in Johannesburg and Ekurhuleni in South Africa cried out to the Lord in desperation on realising that 8 out 10 people in the two cities do not know Jesus as Saviour (praying Luke 10:2).

In May 2003 the Lord used the ministry of Ed Silvoso and Os Hillman (at a Harvest Evangelism Conference in Kempton Park) to show some of the Transformation Leaders in Ekurhuleni and Johannesburg that a paradigm shift in thinking and using some of the principles of prayer evangelism (as explained by Ed Silvoso) can mobilise all Christians in a community to care, pray for and share the good news of Jesus Christ with the lost in their community. We suddenly felt that Jesus gave the tools to equip multitudes of workers in the harvest!

The sending of the 72 in Luke 10:1-24 was the key to equipping those workers in the harvest.

L-10-T developed from this as a tool to equip all the Christians in congregations, all types of organisations and communities in the basics of living out their faith. Congregations, adults, youth and children were transformed in South Africa!

The name Luke 10 Transformation (or L-10-T) originated from our ministry to the youth (then led by Belinda Brandt).

Where to find the best examples of L-10-T? Recent examples can be found in all the individuals (adults and youth), congregations and organisations trained in L-10-T with testimonies on our training DVDs and documents (See testimonies in Resource number 28 or contact us for more details.).

In May 2009 the L-10-T team realised (it was like scales falling from our eyes) that in cooperation with Call2All and its partners, L-10-T can be a valuable tool to reach the lost and least in every community in the world where a Christian church or presence exists – i.e. in their “Jerusalem”! Our vision is now to equip 500 million Christians all over the world to reach 2 billion (2 000 000 000) people for Christ. We believe it is possible to do the equipping within 30 years from 2011 if that is God’s will.

After the Lausanne 3 Cape Town 2010 meeting a Call to Action was issued to the worldwide church. It was amazing when we found that if a church implements L-10-T they implement over 80% of the 94 Calls to Action. (You may download the analysis – see Resource Number 26.)

By 2017 we were at various stages of implementation in 40 countries.

And so … the L-10-T story is part of His story and it is still being written every day – because it is a lifestyle of living one’s faith.


To see 500 million Christians in every country & church praying for, caring for and sharing the gospel in their communities to reach 2 000 million lost for Christ by 2040


By equipping all the committed Christians in every country, denomination, church, house church, no-church, business, school, old age home and prison to impact their community with Christ’s gospel, love & care for all and especially the lost and needy

Ministry Objectives

Training believers to do L-10-T

Training trainers to train believers  to L-10-T

Training Master Trainers to train trainers